
As a coach, I’m fully committed to helping parents live a more courageous and intentional lives as they seek to craft their children’s unique home education journeys. I believe that when parents grab the reins of nurturing the inner lives of their children, they automictically begin to cultivate their own inner lives which invariably leads to the rebirth of dormant dreams which soon impacts their work and the world around them.

I currently offer a series of 6 exclusive home education coaching sessions as part of our new signature Home education 101 course, The Art of Crafting a Wholesome and Meaningful Home Education -TACHE 

Each of these sessions is designed to inspire and equip you with key insights and practical know-how as well as plug and play resources and templates to position you into the driving seat of launching an enchanting education for your children at home 

Each of the six sessions in this course can also be delivered as standalone coaching session. 

These include:

  1. Creating your educational philosophy: knowing your why
  2. Choosing the right curriculum: setting the road map
  3. Structuring your daily/weekly family’s rhythm- setting the life-giving scaffolds
  4. Understanding your child’s learning style – Designing the right toolbox
  5. How to ignite your children’s passion for learning and creativity – enchantment
  6. How to cultivate the ideal learning environment – atmosphere


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As a speaker, Alberta offers engaging talks and bespoke coaching for women trying to combine work and motherhood. Her speaking service is designed especially for caregivers who want to cultivate rich inner lives based on biblical and philosophical truths which will overflow into a life-giving feast of wonder, beauty and goodness for their children and the world around them.

Book Alberta to inspire your delegates or congregation on various topics relating to cultivating joyfilled and wholesome home education, motherhood as ministry, cultivating moral imagination through literature, soulkeeping for busy parents and living purposefully after parenting.

Fill out the form below to book Alberta  for your next event.

Contact Alberta Stevens to discuss your speaking requirements

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11 + 13 =

The essence of home, you see, is not necessarily a structure. What makes a home is the life shared there, wherever that may be. And cultivating the life of home requires intentionality, planning, and design. There must be someone (or several someone’s[sic.]) to craft the life, the beauty, the love, and the inspiration that overflows from that place

—Sally Clarkson (The Lifegiving Home)