HomeGrown Sonshine

We offer rich and inspiring content and services to help parents and home educators

educate the whole child for the future

HomeGrown Sonshine

We offer rich and inspiring content and services to help parents and home educators

educate the whole child for the future

HomeGrown Sonshine

We offer rich and inspiring content and services to help parents and home educators

educate the whole child for the future

About Us

Homegrown Sonshine is a London based home education consultancy dedicated to helping parents new to home education navigate and craft their unique home learning journeys, with confidence, peace and ease.


As an education consultancy, we offer guidance, training, coaching as well create inspiring and high-quality content and resources to inspire and equip parents to cultivate lifegiving and well-rounded learning cultures at home. Our resources offer meaningful and wholesome education for a child’s heart and mind.

Resource Design

Here you will find our latest resources which includes a list of free topical guides to help parents who have suddenly found themselves home educating due to COVID 19 pandemic.


As a speaker and home education coach, our founder, Alberta Stevens, offers engaging talks and bespoke coaching for women trying to combine work and motherhood.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education at all.”


New from the blog…

🖼🎨 Art Study Rituals- Excerpts from Podcast Episode 7👩🏾‍🎨 👩🏼‍🎨👩🏻‍🎨

“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” Saint Francis of Assisi Have you ever wondered how some parents seem to effortlessly raise such...

Nature Study- ‘Why be indoors when you can be without?’

Unlike their school-going peers, being out in nature for extended periods is arguably one of the hidden privileges of home educated children. Most Home Ed children spend considerable amounts of time outdoors daily playing freely or meaningfully observing nature, a...

‘If Music be the food of love’, then let’s nurture the love of it at home – Pt 2

RITUALS AND PRACTICES TO CULTIVATE THE LOVE OF MUSIC AT HOME Cultivating Music as a family cultural legacy Growing up, my taste in music was greatly influenced by my parent’s preferences. Motown classics, 70s and 80s disco funk, African hi-life, Zairean/Congolese...

‘If music be the food of love’, then let’s nurture the love of it at home – Part 1

How do you teach, encourage or inspire your children to appreciate or engage with music at home? This question was the subject of my discussion with Afia Bayayi, an ex-secondary school teacher turned full time home educator, on the podcast this week. In the opening...

Summer Schooling Rituals and Practices from the American South

Reflections from Podcast Episode 4  For most parents, any talk of summer holiday conjures up images of planning that much needed holiday in the sun, organising summer camp activities or catching up on much overdue socials with friends and families. The thought of...

10 Lenten Practices for Home-schooling Families

Lent for me, like Advent, is one of those very important events in the Christian calendar that never fully came alive until I began home educating. I’ve always been big on Easter as I am on Christmas. However, the quiet periods leading up to these much-celebrated...

‘You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup’: 8 Ways to Cultivate a Rich Inner Life.

Last Wednesday, I had a rather unusual day. It was the first day of Lent. I had plans of having a quiet and contemplative day, with time for some deep, focused work interspersed with moments for my son and I to observe our various Lenten rituals. What we got instead,...
Finding your tribe vs fostering diversity in community

Finding your tribe vs fostering diversity in community

The word diversity is so loaded these days. To some, it could mean diversity of faith, of gender, of race/culture, geographical boundaries, social class or function. I am pretty sure this is not an exhaustive list. To avoid the weight of this nuanced word, I often...

Finding Community in Lockdown – Pt 2. Podcast Lovers Assemble

Podcast Lovers Assemble I have been long term fan of podcasts since 2011. Before that it was talk radio, particularly BBC Radio 4. In fact, it was nostalgia for community through radio 4 programs that pulled me into podcasts once I got my first smart phone. Living in...

Our Insta-Stories…

“Self-Education is the only Education”

Last weekend was quite memorable, it snowed for the first this winter in most parts of England! My little man was giddy with excitement as his cousins were around briefly, so he had someone to frolic in the snow with. Me? All I wanted was to curl up in bed with a warm...

High on Energy

Yesterday, we ventured into a territory I’ve been holding back on for a while. Physics and Chemistry are foreign languages to me. As soon as I could help it, age 13 to be precise, I streamed into Liberal Arts so I’d never have to study them again.

Time Traveling Through the Ages

You would not believe it if I told you but Sonshine and I are now time-travellers. In the last four months we’ve travelled 5,000 years from Ancient Sumer to Medieval Britain.

Raising Butterflies

We’ve been raising caterpillars and butterflies for the past three weeks. We’ve become experts on Painted Lady Butterflies, and have read about, drawn, modelled and recently watched a fantastic @curiositysteam documentary on their migration from Morocco to Europe.

Bodiam Castle

My teeny iPhone camera does not even begin to capture the imposing magnificence of this 14th century moated masterpiece.

In Search of Sunflowers

May has flown by so quickly, along with our fascinating study of the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh. His story is not the easiest or most inspiring to share with a young child. However, thanks to Home Ed, I have the freedom to coach such sensitive life lessons...

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