
“Self-Education is the only Education”
Last weekend was quite memorable, it snowed for the first this winter in most parts of England! My little man was giddy with excitement as his cousins were around briefly, so he had someone to frolic in the snow with. Me? All I wanted was to curl up in bed with a warm...

High on Energy
Yesterday, we ventured into a territory I’ve been holding back on for a while. Physics and Chemistry are foreign languages to me. As soon as I could help it, age 13 to be precise, I streamed into Liberal Arts so I’d never have to study them again.

Time Traveling Through the Ages
You would not believe it if I told you but Sonshine and I are now time-travellers. In the last four months we’ve travelled 5,000 years from Ancient Sumer to Medieval Britain.

Raising Butterflies
We’ve been raising caterpillars and butterflies for the past three weeks. We’ve become experts on Painted Lady Butterflies, and have read about, drawn, modelled and recently watched a fantastic @curiositysteam documentary on their migration from Morocco to Europe.

Bodiam Castle
My teeny iPhone camera does not even begin to capture the imposing magnificence of this 14th century moated masterpiece.

In Search of Sunflowers
May has flown by so quickly, along with our fascinating study of the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh. His story is not the easiest or most inspiring to share with a young child. However, thanks to Home Ed, I have the freedom to coach such sensitive life lessons...