A Liturgy of Love/ ALOL

A Liturgy of Love Morning Time Resource 

Thank you for your interest in ‘A Liturgy of Love’: our new wholesome and culturally diverse ‘Morning Time’ educational feast for the whole family. 

Our comprehensive, beautifully curated, click-and-go family learning curriculum is designed to alleviate the fuss of planning and spreading a delectable learning feast for the whole family. This distinctive ease-of use makes ‘A Liturgy of Love’ an ideal resource for educating the heart and mind of any child, whether educated at home or at school. 

Having said that, the gentle and nurturing learning approach offered in our resource may make it particularly appealing to new homeschoolers, those in a need of a timely refresher and Classical or CM educators looking to add a dash of good quality diversity resources in their delectable feast. 

Why ‘A Liturgy of Love’  

We could fill a page with a plethora of reasons why we think a ‘A Liturgy of Love’ would make an awesome resource for your family.  As a matter of fact we have, in the link below. In the meantime, here are three quick awesome reasons to buy our resource:

1. Deepens family bonding time: Using the age-old practice of singing, reciting and reading aloud together, our series of parent guides and monthly life-giving learning resources encourage families to form deeper bonds and meaning around their most important values.  

2. Offers a unique mix of wholesome sacred and secular content: Our attractively curated monthly menu of learning resource displays a feast of sacred and secular content. This includes poems, affirmations, quotes, hymns, folk songs and fables. as well as a culturally diverse mix of CM-inspired art and music appreciation studies.

3. Facilitates black heritage/a culturally diverse education: Our resource deliberately attempts to weave in the rich heritage of Black African, Caribbean and American literature, art and folklore into traditional Western Christian educational curricula.  

Our Autumn Term Pack contains:  

  • a Jamaican folk song 
  • a Ghanaian/Benin folk song  
  • a Yoruba folk song and fable
  • a Sierra Leonean Folk Song
  • a South African fable
  • 2 poems by African American poets
  • a poem by a Nigerian poet
  • a Black artist study
  • a Black composer study

Click here to learn more about Why ‘A Liturgy of Love’. 

Each ‘A Liturgy of Love’ Termly Pack contains:

  • A comprehensive parent’s guide to Morning Time with tips and guidance on what, why, where, when and how to do Morning Time.
  • A delightful monthly menu of high quality and culturally diverse life-giving learning resources.
  • A Charlotte Mason-inspired music and composer study and guide, featuring work of 2 major white and black composer.
  • A Charlotte Mason-Inspired artist and picture study and guide, featuring the life and work of 2 major black and white artist.
  • 6 pages of suggested Morning Basket resources including books, music albums and various online resources.



– Early Years MT Pack


– Early Years MT Pack


– Early Years MT Pack

Autumn Term

– Early Years MT Pack



-Morning Time Resource Pack Primary/Elementary


-Morning Time Resource Pack Primary/Elementary


-Morning Time Resource Pack Primary/Elementary

Autumn Term

– Primary/ Elementary Years MT Pack

 “We cannot lead a child whose heart we do not have”

Deborah MacNamara
(Big Life Journal)