by Alberta Stevens | Mar 11, 2021 | Blog
Lent for me, like Advent, is one of those very important events in the Christian calendar that never fully came alive until I began home educating. I’ve always been big on Easter as I am on Christmas. However, the quiet periods leading up to these Alberta Stevens | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog
Last Wednesday, I had a rather unusual day. It was the first day of Lent. I had plans of having a quiet and contemplative day, with time for some deep, focused work interspersed with moments for my son and I to observe our various Lenten rituals. What we got instead, Alberta Stevens | Feb 9, 2021 | Blog
The word diversity is so loaded these days. To some, it could mean diversity of faith, of gender, of race/culture, geographical boundaries, social class or function. I am pretty sure this is not an exhaustive list. To avoid the weight of this nuanced word, I Alberta Stevens | Feb 2, 2021 | Blog
Podcast Lovers Assemble I have been long term fan of podcasts since 2011. Before that it was talk radio, particularly BBC Radio 4. In fact, it was nostalgia for community through radio 4 programs that pulled me into podcasts once I got my first smart phone. Living Alberta Stevens | Feb 2, 2021 | Insta-Stories
Last weekend was quite memorable, it snowed for the first this winter in most parts of England! My little man was giddy with excitement as his cousins were around briefly, so he had someone to frolic in the snow with. Me? All I wanted was to curl up in bed with a warm...