
Nature Study- ‘Why be indoors when you can be without?’

Nature Study- ‘Why be indoors when you can be without?’

Unlike their school-going peers, being out in nature for extended periods is arguably one of the hidden privileges of home educated children. Most Home Ed children spend considerable amounts of time outdoors daily playing freely or meaningfully observing nature, a...

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Summer Schooling Rituals and Practices from the American South

Summer Schooling Rituals and Practices from the American South

Reflections from Podcast Episode 4  For most parents, any talk of summer holiday conjures up images of planning that much needed holiday in the sun, organising summer camp activities or catching up on much overdue socials with friends and families. The thought of...

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10 Lenten Practices for Home-schooling Families

10 Lenten Practices for Home-schooling Families

Lent for me, like Advent, is one of those very important events in the Christian calendar that never fully came alive until I began home educating. I’ve always been big on Easter as I am on Christmas. However, the quiet periods leading up to these much-celebrated...

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Finding your tribe vs fostering diversity in community

Finding your tribe vs fostering diversity in community

The word diversity is so loaded these days. To some, it could mean diversity of faith, of gender, of race/culture, geographical boundaries, social class or function. I am pretty sure this is not an exhaustive list. To avoid the weight of this nuanced word, I often...

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